
CochraneFRG Projects 

The Cochrane Fertility Regulation group has been working on some big projects this year:

Prioritization Activities: We have identified priority titles and topics in both the field of abortion and contraception. View the progress and timelines of our high priority abortion and contraception priority titles here   

Newsletter: We have a monthly newsletter that is distributed on the first Monday of every month. Stay up to date on trials, reviews and all new publications on abortion, contraception, family planning and sterilization. Find past newsletters here. Don’t forget to subscribe.

FRG Registrar: Register of studies coming soon! The Cochrane Fertility Regulation group has been carefully crafting a register to assist you in finding relevant research from a wide variety of fields on contraception, family planning, sterilization, and termination of pregnancy. 

Get Involved: We are always working to expand our authorship and peer review base. If you are interested in knowing more, information is available here and here.

Follow us on twitter @cochranefrg to keep up to date with our ongoing projects!